Stefan (Administrator)
Uploading images to I*A
By general request - hereby the instructions for uploading images to Image*After!

New images are more than welcome; especially the ones we don't shoot ourselves Very Happy

Down here you will find our upload-letter, with things to bare in mind, to consider, and at the end, the information to get the images onto the site.


We now officially have an ftp address where you can upload your submissions.

But however grateful we are to people who want to contribute realise this:

**We cannot recall the images once they are on the Internet - even if we
remove them from the site - so be sure you are willing to part with them
for good. We will credit you for the contribution (more so in the future
than now is the case).

**You make sure there are no copyrights on the image whatsoever and they
are yours to give away.

**The images are 1600 x 1200 pixels, 72 Dpi minimum. A bit lower is
possible if the images are very clear with no jpg compression
noise in them and the content is very special.

**Some images may not make it to the site for various reasons. We shoot
more than 3 times the amount than that will appear on the site. A
typical case of "kill your darlings"

**We will not sell the images directly but we do make some money
indirectly (sponsoring) with all images on the site. Be assured however
that all money flows straight back into Image*After. We really want the
site to get better and stay up and running and free for the user.

**Since we have literally thousands of images waiting for us to upload,
it can even take up to a year before your images will show up. Currently
we are working hard to build a system that will speedup this process and
will credit you more.

**If you wish, you can be mentioned in our "Links" section with name,
URL etc.. When doing so, just mail us that you want to and
provide us with the required info.

Ok now on to the ftp information:

.. you will get these by sending us an email (see bottom of this topic; sorry for the inconvienience) ...

Please make a folder in the upload dir so we know who uploaded what.
Add a plain text file with your name, email and URL of your site in it to
which we can link if you uploaded enough images.

If your images make it to the site they will be noted with part of your
name in it.
If your name is Sabrina the images you donate will be called:
"b3_sabrina_leather001.jpg" so if Sabrina wants to see her
pictures just type "sabrina" in the searchbox.

If yo don't know how to use an FTP program just let us know we'll figure
out an alternative way to get your images on the site.

Thanks again!


When you've read and agreed upon all of this, please contact us at [email protected], subject: 'upload images', we'll then gladly send you our FTP login-codes!

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